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Asian American Association
at UC Davis
2020-2021 Cabinet

Julia Lu
Civil Engineering, 3rd
Fun Fact: I was sent home early from camp because I had an allergic reaction to grass.

Hannah Lee
Biological Sciences, 3rd
Fun Fact: I watched Avatar the last air bender for the first time this year and now I’m obsessed!

Annalisa Barlin
Events Coordinators
International Relations and Sociology, 4th
Fun Fact: I know every song in Dear Evan Hansen, The Waitress, Hamilton, Wicked, and other broadway musicals!

Morgan Ng
Events Coordinators
Neurobiology, Physiology, Behavior, 3rd
Fun Fact: I only eat cake layer by layer from the bottom up.

Cody Mak
Graphic Design Chair
Design and Cognitive Science, 3rd
Fun Fact: I’m the tallest in both sides of my family.

Adrienne Lee
Graphic Design Chair
Design and Cognitive Science, 3rd
Fun Fact: I used to be a traditional Chinese dancer and although I don’t do it now I am still pretty flexible!

Cary Chen
Financial Manager
International Relations and Economics, 3rd
Fun Fact: I really like shrimp burrito.

Joey Yee
Cinema and Digital Media, 4th
Fun Fact: I have three different sizes of hydro flask because two are for water and one is for coffee/tea.

Sarina Ke
Neurobiology, Physiology, Behavior, 3rd
Fun Fact: I love watching ghost movies even though I have a fear of ghosts. I guess you can say I’m a little crazy.

Karen Cai
Board Advisor
Food Science, 4th
Fun Fact: I'm allergic to watermelon!
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