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Asian American Association
at UC Davis
2012-2013 Cabinet

Nutrition Science, 5th
Fun Fact: Herp Derp Yerp
Jamie Lam

Jenny Giang
Biological Sciences, 4th
Fun Fact: I hate ladybugs and I think they are disgusting. (hater in da haus!)

Tyler Foxx
Events Co-Chair
Psychology, 4th
Fun Fact: I am the resident trollolol!

Wingsze Lam
Events Co-Chair & Graphic Designer
Asian American Studies and Psychology, 4th
Fun Fact: I am a panda!

Diana Nguyen
Secretary & Webmistress
Clinical Nutrition and English minor, 4th
Fun Fact: I <3 burping. Holla if you want to do sushi buffet. :D

Christine Yung
Treasurer & Historian
Managerial Economics, 2nd
Fun Fact: I love Thai tea!

Roger Moy
Campus Relations & Searchlight Co-editor
Communications, 5th+
Fun Fact: I have lived in all three dorm areas: Segundo, Tercero, and Cuarto!
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