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Asian American Association
at UC Davis
2017-2018 Cabinet

Nutrition Science, 2nd
Fun Fact: Baking is one of my favorite things to do.
Kevin Ha
Henry Luo
Economics and Statistics, 4th
Fun Fact: I interned in Hong Kong this summer.

Rafferty Leung
Public Relations
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2nd
Fun Fact: I have major boba addiction.
Emily Gu
Graphic Designer/ Film Curator
Sustainable Environmental Design and Economics, 4th
Fun Fact: I love traveling the world!

Harriet Lee
Event Coordinator
Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, 2nd
Fun Fact: I can touch my nose with my tongue. :p
Nathan Kong
Event Coordinator
Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, 2nd
Fun Fact: I've been teaching first graders for four years!

Eva Yam
Event Coordinator
Civil Engineering, 2nd
Fun Fact: If you ever go to the MU Games Area, you will probably see me there because I love bowl:) Don't be afraid to say hi!
Portraits by Ryan Mickle
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